Friday, August 17, 2007

'Cause I'm already standing here on my own...

Keegan has apparently decided he's had enough of this crawling nonsense (he just can't get where he wants to go fast enough, I think) and lately he's decided that he's going to start standing on his own. The couch seems to be the easiest thing for him to pull himself up on, although the other day I went in to get him from his nap and he was standing up in his crib holding onto the side (thankfully AJ and I had the foresight to lower his mattress all of the way just last week, so there was no fear of him toppling out). And he's not above using my legs (or pant bottoms), or his toy basket, or his diaper pail, or other little kids to help him stand up (which is really quite cute actually).

I'm just not sure that I'm ready for this. Will someone please tell my little boy that he needs to just slow it down a little bit? Oh yeah, and that it's okay to go back to sleeping through the night again (darn those top two teeth). Ok, thanks. Bye!

1 comment:

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

I know it is hard to watch them grow up. But once they can come to you and hug you because you are their Mommy, not just because they are a person. There is nothing better, that and hearing them call you Mom:)