Sunday, December 23, 2007
Looking Back on the Year That Was
This time last year AJ and I were moving and settling into our house. It's hard to believe that it's been a year already (seriously - where does the time go?). We closed on our house at 4:30 on Dec. 21st and then I picked up the keys the morning of the 22nd (from the shadiest real estate agent I have ever known). It was so completely overwhelming at the time to think of ourselves as homeowners...and I guess if I'm being completely honest, it still is an overwhelming feeling. We joked at the time that this was our Christmas gift to each other for the next 30 years (yeah, there's a lot of truth to that statement). I was as big as a house (literally) and really frustrated with how little I could actually help with the whole moving process. My sister Val was a rock star and made sure that we were packed and ready to actually move in...not to mention helping me paint Keegan's room, along with painting his bathroom all on her own (and yes I painted even though I was only a month away from delivering) and the members of our ward we totally amazing. The youth helped paint our bedroom and they had us moved and ready to go in no time a few days later.
Home ownership brings a whole new set of worries, problems and issues that we never had renting. There's also a whole lot more stress over plumbing problems and utility bills and mortgage payments, but it's pretty rewarding as well. I recognize that AJ and I are pretty lucky even owning a home at this particular stage in our life, and we feel really blessed that we were lucky enough to even get into a house, let alone one that is as big as ours is and in San Diego nonetheless.
I looked for pictures of our house from when we were moving in and I couldn't find any (I think my sister Val has them somewhere since she was really the only one who had the foresight to take pictures). Not too much has changed from when we moved in...there's a little bit more furniture now, and some of the windows have changed, but essentially it's just like the day we moved in...and yet there's a different feeling to the house every time I walk through the door. Maybe it's because there is more furniture, or because there aren't boxes everywhere, or because we now have a year's worth of memories, good and bad, to look back on...but the house just isn't a house anymore. It's our HOME, and I have to's pretty amazing.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Let's Go Surfin' Now...
If you look really closely at the top of the following picture you will see a bunch of surfers out in the water (no AJ isn't one of them...although he did go out earlier in the morning with our bishop). I personally thought they were all nuts, but I guess with the lifeguards in a boat right in the middle of them all they figured that they were relatively safe.
Most of the day was actually beautiful and sunny and clear, but towards the end of our little walk the mist and the fog started rolling in. It was actually kind of pretty.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas in San Diego
Last night AJ, Keegan and I met some friends at the Temple in order to enjoy the musical performance that they had going on there last night. For the third year in a row the San Diego Temple is having a musical performance of some kind on the temple grounds every night for the month of December (maybe all the temples do this now, who knows...but I think it's really cool). Last night's performance was a bell choir. It was so fun to go and listen to the different Christmas Carols played on bells while sitting with friends and family and drinking hot chocolate. The best was when everyone in the audience sang along to "Away in a Manger".
And while it wasn't quite like the lights display at Temple Square, I think the temple looked beautiful.
So, Merry Christmas from our little family to yours.
10 months and going strong...
It was so much fun to watch his face light up when he would go down the slide. He didn't want to wait long enough for me to get to the bottom to catch him half the time and would launch himself forward...thankfully, I was fast enough to keep him from face planting on the slide or tumbling down the slides rather than sliding down them.
He was not happy when I put him back in his stroller for our walk back to the car (hey, I have to get some exercise in I walked the mile and a half to the playground and then the mile and a half back).
Thankfully, he calmed down pretty quickly and actually fell asleep for a little while in the stroller.
Busy Busy Busy
and letters to get put up:
and it's only just begun. AJ wanted to wait until December before we got a tree to put up, so that's coming this weekend, which means more decorating and rearranging and chasing after Keegan to keep him out of everything.
Here's to the season!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Been a long time...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
"This is Halloween....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
An Apple A Day....
Monday, October 22, 2007
It's so sad to watch the news and hear about the 250,000 people that have had to be evacuated thus far. Let's just hope that the winds don't change and that the firefighters can quickly get a handle on things so that we don't have anything to worry about. We have a really good friend who is a firefighter for CDF and so right now our thoughts and prayers and with him, and hoping that he (and his fellow firefighters) are safe.
I really hate this time of year.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Have you ever had the feeling that you just don't quite measure up to those around you? That while you might be giving it your best effort, your best will still not be good enough in the end and that you should just quit while you are ahead, relatively speaking? That's kind of how I've been feeling the past few days...well, weeks, if I'm really being honest with myself.
I'm constantly looking at the other moms in my ward, that I just randomly run into while I'm out running errands, or that I find online through their blogs, and I'm constantly finding myself falling short. You would think after almost 9 months I would have a better handle on this whole mother thing. That I would be able to understand more what Keegan needs, instead of having to try 5 or 6 different things before I finally get it right; that I would be able to handle more than just taking a shower everyday and that I would be able to actually do my hair, put makeup on and look presentable every day, instead of just on Sundays which is the way things stand right now. You would think that despite the fact that I gained 50 pounds with this pregnancy, I would have managed to lose more than just the initial 30 pounds that I lost immediately after Keegan was born, and yet I haven't (and I even think I've managed to put back on a pound or two, which makes it even worse). You would think that I would be better at getting Keegan and I dressed and out of the house every day, and for more than just running to the store to get milk, or to the bank to deposit a check; that we might actually be going to the park, or the beach, or the zoo, or a million and one other things that this city has to offer, and yet, day in and day out, it doesn't happen. It seems like everyone I know with kids manages to do these simple things, and yet I can't seem to pull it together and do it myself, and I can't help but wonder "Why not?"
As I write this, Keegan is sitting in his high chair in the other room watching one of his "Signing Time" videos and munching on his 10th batch of Cheerios, because I have finally given up the struggle of trying to get him to eat anything else. For the past few days, all I've managed to get in him are a few bites of a pancake, a lot of dehydrated fruit, a couple of cereal bars, and a ton of Goldfish and Cheerios (along with formula and milk from me, when he's willing to nurse, and not bite me). Even though I know, deep down, that this is normal and ok, and that he will be fine (thanks Cynth, again, for reassuring me and making me feel a little better), I can't help but worry about him. Keegan gained a ton of weight right after he was first born and he had grown quite a few inches right at the beginning, and now that he's almost 9 months old and sitting at just over 20.5 pounds, I'm worried that he doesn't weigh enough, and that he's not "thriving" like he should be (and like I want him to be) and that I'm a total failure of a mom. He fights going down for his naps, something he didn't use to do, and he now fights going to bed, and once I do get him to sleep, when he does wake up again 5 hours later, he fights going back to sleep which results in an hour long struggle of me letting him cry, and then feeling guilty because he's crying and I'm not comforting him, so I go and get him and nurse him for a little while until he falls asleep, then I try and lay him in his crib, and he wakes up and the cycle starts all over again, until I finally give in and just let him lay in bed next to me, which doesn't exactly help me sleep soundly, although it does seem to let Keegan, which I guess should be good enough for the time being. I want to be able to change all of that, and yet I don't know how to.
There are so many moms that I know, who just seem so calm and relaxed and sure about this whole "parenting" thing, and I find myself so envious of that fact. Why can't I be that way? Why do I feel like I'm the typical comedic parody of a "mom" who's walking around looking like she is always stressed out, frustrated and half-dazed, with her bathrobe on, and hair ratted and snarled because she hasn't had the time to make herself look more presentable. This is not who I want to be...I never wanted to be the woman who was 25 pounds overweight, who barely makes it out of her pj's most days and who never seems happy, and who gets frustrated with her kids and her husband for seemingly no reason at all. This isn't the type of mom I want to be. I want Keegan (and any future children that we have) to have a mom who is fun, who plays with them and takes them to fun places, and explores with the, and who has it way more together than I currently do (although at this point, there really doesn't seem to be any place for me to go, but up). I know AJ worries about me and the fact that I don't get out of the house every day, and that I'm not as sociable as the other moms in the ward, and that I don't totally feel comfortable hanging out with all of the other moms in the ward (but really, I've never been super-sociable so I'm not sure why it bugs his so much now), which makes it all that much harder, because I feel like I'm even more of a failure.
Deep down, I know that I'm fine, or at least that I will be fine (kind of like Cristina and Meredith on "Grey's Anatomy" are "fine"), and that hopefully these feelings of inadequacy will pass, but I don't want to wait for that time to come. I want it to be easy now, and I want to stop feeling like I'm failing at this whole "mom" thing. I want my husband to not have to worry about me, and my son to get the sleep and nutrition that he needs, without putting up such a fight (and who knows, maybe it's because he's teething, AGAIN, and his mouth just makes it too painful to eat or sleep comfortably), and I want to be the calm, cool and relaxed mom, who has it all together. Is that really too much to ask for?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Catch of the Day
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Your Hair Is Everywhere
That having been said, yesterday I did a little research and found a cute little place that specializes in cutting kids hair, called up to see how busy they were and then put Keegan and myself in the car and went on our merry way. Keegan was really good the whole time we were waiting, even to the point of playing in the different "speciality" seats that they have for the kids to sit in (my personal favorite was the airplane), but the minute they were ready to cut his hair, he wanted nothing to do with it. I ended up having to hold him in my lap while the girl cut his hair, which trust me, was not a fun experience....I think I ended up inhaling half of the hair that she cut off of his head. He was such a little wiggle-worm and he would not sit still, other than the 5 minutes that it took him to inhale the 3 animal crackers that she gave him. But in the end...his hair was shorn and there is no way possible that the old ladies can mistake him for a girl anymore. Thankfully, they took a picture for me during the experience and they saved some of his hair for me to put in his baby book, and Keegan even got a red balloon to take home with him (which he played with the entire 20 minute ride home).
So, here's the little munchkin pre-haircut:
and here he is after:
Is it just me...or does he look totally different? Maybe it's the clothes, or something, but he just doesn't look like a baby to me anymore, and I'm really not ready for that yet. Good thing hair grows back. I can't wait to have his longer locks again.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Rub a Dub...
Being in Arizona this weekend, and having the chance to hang out with Becky, Doug and the twins made me wish that we lived closer to more of Keegan's cousins. It's hard when he doesn't have a lot of little kids to play with, and while I love some of the little kids in our ward, there really is no substitute for having family to play with.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes....
As you can tell from the above picture, Keegan was a little underwhelmed by his first trip to Disneyland. Although, things did get a little bit better later on.
He wasn't overly impressed with "It's A Small World", although it did keep him entertained for a little bit.
And he really liked the Astro Rockets over in Tomorrowland.
We can't wait to go back in November with Cynth, Ryan, Finley and Berlin!!!! It's going to be a good time for all.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Naptime and Temper Tantrums
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Next 30 Years
- Phil Vassar (courtesy of his song "My Next Thirty Years")
So a couple of people have recently posted about how quickly time seems to go by, and how they can't believe that it's already September and that the year is almost over, or that they have a daughter starting kindergarten. Inevitably, with the start of September, I start thinking about my upcoming birthday. I'm turning the big 3-0 this year, and it's really hard to believe that shortly, I will no longer be "in my 20's". I'm passing over to a new age bracket on most applications/surveys/random age groupings that do nothing more than allow people to categorize you in some way.
Needless to say...I've been doing some thinking over the past few weeks. One of the blogs that I read on occasion celebrated her 30th birthday by listing 20 highlights of her 20's. It was actually pretty cool to read, but I have to be honest...I'm not sure that I could come up with 20 highlights for the past 29 years.
There are definitely things that I am proud that I have accomplished, and that I am glad that I experienced. Some things haven't necessarily been highlights, per se. In some instances, I would categorize them more as LOWlights, but they are experiences that have helped me discover who I am, what I believe in and have definitely taught me some very valuable life lessons. So, in honor of the fact that I will soon be celebrating "The Big One", I'm going to take a moment to celebrate my age (and some of the things that I have done), and then focus on where I go from here for "my next 30 years".
Here are, in no particular order (since I'm writing this while taking care of Keegan and watching my visiting teacher's twin girls at the same time), Shauna's Top Moments from the past 29 years:
#1. Graduating (FINALLY) college: hey, after 10 years (yeah, I know pretty sad) I feel like I really earned that degree. Granted, I had some times of not being in school (*cough* Vegas *cough*), so I wasn't really in school for 10 years straight, but still...definitely a top moment of my life.
#2. Finally getting a passport (and actually using it).
#3. Traveling for 3 weeks with Cynthia through England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Honestly, 3 weeks was not enough for this trip, and I would willing do it all over again. Cynth and I didn't always get along growing up (not really a surprise to anyone I think), but I wouldn't have wanted to do this trip with anyone else. Taking that time off of school was totally worth it, and I really feel like we got to know each other on a totally different level. Plus, as an added bonus, I got to see her at the beginnings of her relationship with Ryan (I loved looking for "Alice in Wonderland" postcards for her to send him, just to let him know that she missed him) which has made me appreciate the relationship that they have even more.
#4. Visiting Valerie in Paris for a week. Spending 3 days at the Louvre (well, a part of 3 days), eating crepes from a street vendor, sipping the BEST hot chocolate at Angelina's (Angelina's African hot chocolate) that was literally melted chocolate bars with whipped cream, visiting Versailles, watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle at night, having the best personal tour guide ever!! (thanks Val), and pretty much just being in Paris was a definite top moment...especially since it's right around the time that AJ and I started dating, so it really holds a special place in my heart.
#5. Living in Vegas. Granted there are a lot of moments during my time in Vegas that are really more LOWlights than highlights, but this was truly the first time I was on my own, and I learned a lot about myself, and made a lot of mistakes, but I survived and lived to tell about it.
#6. Marrying AJ...granted, I'm sure that this is a given, but honestly, marrying him was the greatest blessing in my life. He has made me want to be a better person, simply because he is such an amazing person. I still can't believe that I was lucky enough to find someone like him who amazingly, loves me despite all of the mistakes and stupid things that I have done in my life. I'm truly lucky to have him as my husband.
#7. Having Keegan...again, another given, but this little boy challenges me in ways that I never thought possible, and I love him more completely than I knew that I had the capacity to do. He brings so much joy and laughter and tears into our home and our life that it's hard to remember what it was like before he came along.
#8. Becoming a homeowner. Granted, this wasn't going to happen until I was married, since there was no way I could afford a home on my own, but I love having a place that is all our own. We can do whatever we want to it and don't have to worry about landlords, or contract violations or eventually having to change it back to the way it was. And I love that someday we'll have a yard to play in and enjoy.
#9. Buying my first car. It might have been used, but it was all mine. And it's held up pretty well. I don't get to drive it as much now, since there's no way I want to deal with taking a car seat in and out of a 2-door car every day, but that car is still *mine* and I still love it and get excited when I think about it.
#10. Surfing in Hawaii. I haven't done it since, and I probably won't ever be a surfer, but it's nice to know that I can still say that I've surfed, and actually gotten up on a board and stood on it before I fell off.
So...what's up for my next 30 years? Well, I definitely want to add more kids to our little family. What can I say, I grew up with a lot of siblings, and while I know that there is no way we can afford to have 7 kids, I know that I want more than just one. I want to grow old with AJ, and spend time traveling the world with him. I can't wait to go back to France, or England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales with him to show him the places that I have already seen, but also I can't wait to discover new places with him as well (and maybe on occasion, our kids as well). I look forward to getting completely out of debt, and paying off our home. I want to continue learning and expanding my horizons. Most of all, I just want to keep on loving, laughing and living.
Here's to my next 30 years!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Why I love AJ's job...
But, there are some perks to his job as well, like getting to go to the X-Games in Los Angeles this past month (and meeting some of the riders, and getting to go places where the public isn't usually allowed), and (even though I'm not really one to get "star struck")...
getting to meet Jeremy McGrath (finally)...SO COOL (even if he is super short), and getting to watch guys do this over the grass area at La Jolla Cove...
I have to's pretty cool. It's a good thing none of this really affects AJ.