Saturday, September 8, 2007

Why I love AJ's job...

There are a lot of things that I hate about AJ's job...the long hours, being on call, high maintenance patients (including our annoying neighbor) who call/come by and ask medical related questions at all hours of the day, the limited amount of time he gets to take off, etc.

But, there are some perks to his job as well, like getting to go to the X-Games in Los Angeles this past month (and meeting some of the riders, and getting to go places where the public isn't usually allowed), and (even though I'm not really one to get "star struck")...getting to meet Tony Hawk (and watching him and a bunch of others skate on his personal ramp at La Jolla Cove), and...meeting the "Flying Tomato" (before he got that nickname and won a bunch of gold medals), and...

getting to meet Jeremy McGrath (finally)...SO COOL (even if he is super short), and getting to watch guys do this over the grass area at La Jolla Cove...


getting to meet a lot of the San Diego Chargers, including the one above who is my all-time favorite...seriously, he's the coolest, most personable player I have ever met, #93, Mr. Luis Castillo. I'm telling you guys...he's good. Expect great things from him (and the whole team) this season (and no, I didn't get paid to say that!!!).

I have to's pretty cool. It's a good thing none of this really affects AJ.


Ryan & Cynthia Clan said...

ok - so I'm jealous. Look at you rubbing shoulders with all those celebs. So did AJ have to help patch anyone up? I'm assuming that's why he was there - to help out with injuries and stuff. BTW - you look so great. You don't even look like you had a baby! I'm jealous once again ... I still have ways to go before I look good again.

Our Family of 6 said...

Thankfully, AJ was actually there to just enjoy the night. It was for a fundraiser that his boss does every year to help raise money in order to provide surgeries for local athletes (high school and younger) that couldn't afford it otherwise. The first two were from a couple years ago, actually. As for looking like I haven't had a's the joy of a black, high-waisted flowy can't see the belly that is protruding out. Trust me...I get asked daily if I'm having a second baby and when I'm due.