Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

It always seems that this time of year brings so many things that need to get done that I have the constant feeling that I will never complete it all. There is shopping to be done, decorating to do, cards to get sent out, stockings to make, not to mention the normal day to day tasks of cleaning, laundry, bill paying, cooking, and taking care of my family. It's a good thing that Keegan is starting (finally) to sleep better at night because I'm so exhausted I'm not sure I would hear him if he did wake up.

So now I get to do a lot of catch up...

Thanksgiving was great. It was spent with AJ's grandparents, Mom and Dad, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ross, his sister Des, and her daughter Maddie. I cooked my first turkey (and tried my hand at brining it before it got cooked), and I have to say it didn't turn out half-bad. I meant to get a picture of it before it was all consumed, but I never actually got around to getting the photo taken. I think AJ's Aunt Kathy did manage to get one of AJ and his dad cutting it up, but since she hasn't made the change to a digital camera yet it could be a while before I see the photos.

The next day, there was definitely no time for a turkey coma. There were windows that needed to get put in:

and letters to get put up:

and it's only just begun. AJ wanted to wait until December before we got a tree to put up, so that's coming this weekend, which means more decorating and rearranging and chasing after Keegan to keep him out of everything.

Here's to the season!!

1 comment:

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

I LOVE those letters, where did you get them, or did you make them? It really does take FOREVER to get stuff done when you have little helpers! Congrats on the turkey, I still have not tried that yet...one day:)