Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Your Hair Is Everywhere

I loved, loved, loved Keegan's hair from the moment that he was born. I couldn't believe how much he had right off the bat, how dark it first was, and the fact that he totally had a tail (which I fully expected to disappear, but alas, it never did). Unfortunately, the little man's hair was getting a little long and starting to curl (YAY!!!! I love boys that have curly hair, and I'm glad my son got some of my curl, even if his dad isn't quite so happy about it) and it was constantly in his eyes. The worst part is, since Keegan's been sick for the last few weeks, when he would get really tired, he'd rub his face and inevitably pick up some snot that had miraculously shown up since the last time that I had suctioned his nose 2.5 seconds before he rubbed his eyes and he would end up rubbing said snot in his hair, you know, to go with the food that he'd managed to wipe in his hair from his meal earlier in the day. Anyway, AJ and I decided that it was probably time to cut Keegan's hair, especially since I was sick of people asking me how old my daughter was (yes, I can't believe it either...Keegan just doesn't look like a girl)...even though I really wasn't all that sure that I was ready for it. I mean really, what 8-month old baby has enough hair to need a haircut?

That having been said, yesterday I did a little research and found a cute little place that specializes in cutting kids hair, called up to see how busy they were and then put Keegan and myself in the car and went on our merry way. Keegan was really good the whole time we were waiting, even to the point of playing in the different "speciality" seats that they have for the kids to sit in (my personal favorite was the airplane), but the minute they were ready to cut his hair, he wanted nothing to do with it. I ended up having to hold him in my lap while the girl cut his hair, which trust me, was not a fun experience....I think I ended up inhaling half of the hair that she cut off of his head. He was such a little wiggle-worm and he would not sit still, other than the 5 minutes that it took him to inhale the 3 animal crackers that she gave him. But in the end...his hair was shorn and there is no way possible that the old ladies can mistake him for a girl anymore. Thankfully, they took a picture for me during the experience and they saved some of his hair for me to put in his baby book, and Keegan even got a red balloon to take home with him (which he played with the entire 20 minute ride home).

So, here's the little munchkin pre-haircut:

and here he is after:

Is it just me...or does he look totally different? Maybe it's the clothes, or something, but he just doesn't look like a baby to me anymore, and I'm really not ready for that yet. Good thing hair grows back. I can't wait to have his longer locks again.

1 comment:

Ryan & Cynthia Clan said...

I love long curly locks on boys (as if that wasn't obvious by Finn's hairstyle). He's a cutie though with long or shorter hair.