So, I'm pretty sure that I've talked/blogged/pontificated on this subject before (ad naseum I'm sure for some people), but a lot of people have been asking AJ and I lately if we have come up with/decided on a name yet for this little baby who is coming in 2 months (hopefully sooner...and YIKES that's gone by kind of fast) and now I'm suddenly worried that we will be leaving the hospital with an unnamed baby. So much so that I lie in bed at night and think about it when I can't get myself back to sleep. The problem is...we can't seem to come up with a name. And it's not really even that we can't decide between one or two, it's literally that we can't come up with a name that just strikes both of us.
I don't remember having this much trouble coming up with Keegan's name. Maybe I had more time to sit and look through name books and on naming websites (since I was working then, ya know). I had a list of names that I loved and then I found Keegan and it just seemed right. AJ wasn't sold at first, but all of a sudden, he agreed. It was the right name. It was harder to decide on his middle name. We had two choices and couldn't decide between the two. That decision wasn't made until we were at the hospital (and the lady kept harassing us to hurry up and decide to so we could sign his birth certificate). But overall, the whole process seemed rather seamless...just simple and direct.
Not so much this time around. I look at naming websites, and through the naming book that I have and at the list that I made with Keegan, and I don't really like any of them. There are some that are "ok" and we've added them to the list, but none of them seem "right". Some we have ruled out because we don't want the kid growing up and being teased mercilessly from his classmates (like Duncan...which is one of my favorites, but AJ had a point when he said he'd be called "Dunkin Donuts" his whole life...or "Double D" like AJ's sister Des was growing up). The few that both of us think might work, end up being names of other kids that we know and see on a regular basis (which, I know, should be totally ok, but still, we are hesitant). We aren't trying to do anything too off the wall, or crazy unique, but at the same time, we don't want to just go with the same ol' Joe, Larry, or Jim (no offense to any Joe's, Larry's or Jim's out there). We have a friend who is due about 3 weeks before me and they've had their name picked out since they found out they were having a boy (it's actually one I remember my sister Cynth loving at one point in time...years before she was married and had kids, but made me laugh. Cynth, you just have the touch with names). Another friend just had their baby daughter and they knew right away what they were going to name here (she's named after her maternal grandma and someone else I can't remember right now). We just can't seem to find that right combination (the sad thing is, we have names that we do like, but they just don't seem right this time around...totally crazy and silly, I know, but still).
So, I'm putting this out there. For my friends and loved ones with kids, was it this hard for you to find names (whether it was with your first or your subsequent bebe's)? Are we just making too much of it all? Should we just go with one of the names that we are just kind of "lukewarm" about right now and hope that it grows on us? And does anyone want a chance at naming my kid? (Anyone, Anyone, Bueller)?
How about Benjamin? Just kidding. Even though he'll be born in August so the timing would be perfect. Possible nicknames would be Ben Franklin, Benjamima, Bennie, Benji...yeah, it goes on and on. :)
We had a hard time with both, especially with Bright. I would keep holding out for what feels like the "right" name:) Good luck!
I know the pain. I still wish we had gone with Ava "Berlin" Birth instead of Berlin Isabella Birth. Berlin totally fits, but I wasn't sold on Isabella then and it totally isn't her now. Guess it's a good thing its only her middle name I don't like. Oh well. The good thing, is if you name the little guy and totally hate it shortly after, you can always change the name. :) Good Luck!
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