Monday, June 9, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Finally, we are home!!

It's been a long and exhausting two weeks, but it's also been a fun two weeks. Camping with a 16-month old, while 28 weeks pregnant was definitely an adventure, and not necessarily one that I plan on repeating anytime soon (at least not in those exact circumstances or without a few extra creature comforts).

However, there were a lot of socialization opportunities for Keegan between watching 5 other kids for a week and then having 5 kids just a campsite away to play with at any time. I feel like he has grown up tremendously. I seriously wonder where my little "baby" boy has gone and why the heck he decided he could all of a sudden become a little "man".

The best part of the last week, though, has been all the time that AJ and Keegan were able to spend together, and the time we were able to spend together as a family. Keegan was able to learn all about the joys of lighter fluid on fire (I so had nothing to do with that), skateboarding with Dad, charging into the ocean (which is something that he has never done before), sandcastle building (and demolishing like he was King Kong), drinking salt water off of the sand and playing "fetch" with the squirrels (as a result, we did however manage to have the most squirrel-free campsite at the beach), just to name a few. It was a great week.

So here are a few pictures from our adventures of the past week at South Carlsbad State Beach (a place I highly recommend to anyone who wants to camp at the beach).
If anyone is interested, you can join us there next year! :)


mjtraskfam said...

Good for you for going camping at 28 weeks, you're a better sport than I would be! Sounds like a fun vacation though, especially all the time to be together! Your little blondie is too cute! :)

hoopesfam5 said...

Can I just tell you how jealous I am right now? we are stuck in stupid AZ and you got to camp in our old backyard. Oh's the life we've chosen. Anyway - I am glad you had fun on your little rendezvous. Love the pics of your little man - he is just toooo stinkin cute. Count us in for next year!

Ben said...

I don't think I can wait a whole year to camp by the beach. How about next month? :)