Saturday, May 3, 2008

Reading Rainbow

While I was busy cleaning up Keegan's room today, he decided that in the midst of helping me, he needed to take a quick story break. Mind you, this was right after I had just finished putting all of his books away in their tub and he had to take them all out before he settled on "Put Me in the Zoo". He then proceeded to tell me that he wanted to sit in the rocking chair and then he read his story to me while I finished vacuuming and dusting his room. I have to say, it was pretty stinkin' cute.

It's no surprise that I love to read. It's kind of a Leach family thing I think...we all grew up seeing my mom read books and reading books ourselves, and borrowing books from the library and the book mobile (do they even still have those?). Needless to say, I'm grateful that I have a little boy that loves his books as well. He already has his favorites and they usually go into his crib with him at naptime and we end up reading them a dozen times a day. It's one of my favorite things to do with him, because he snuggles right up to my side and just sits with me (it's one of the rare times that he isn't moving during the day).

Reading, I have discovered of late, can be a very expensive habit, however. This is why I have re-discovered the joy of borrowing books from the library. It started when I had library access while working at SDSU and has continued now at the public libraries in San Diego. Seriously, my library card is one of the most well-used cards in my wallet (second only to my debit card). Keegan and I go there at least 3 times a month, sometimes as often as once a week. I can get a whole bunch of new books for him to "read" and I can explore a whole bunch of different books for me, and all for free. I love it, especially with summer coming and more time at the beach and at the park and just outside with Keegan. Plus with a week of camping at the beach coming up, I am definitely going to need some reading material for the "me" that I'm hoping to have.

So, I'm throwing a question out to all of my readers (that's right all 6 or so of you)...what's on your nightstand? What are you currently reading, or what have you recently read that you would recommend? I'm up for anything and everything, so send them all.


Ryan & Cynthia Clan said...

I am currently reading "Rough Stone Rolling." It's a cultural biography about Joseph Smith's life. I started it not to long ago and it's a fairly long book, but so far I really like it.

I love that Keegs loves his books. Finn was (and is) the same way. Berlin isn't as good, but I think it's because she's the 2nd child and I haven't had as much downtime with just her like I did with Finn. She's not patient enough.

valerie said...

Those pictures of Keegan are adorable...every day he seems to be getting bigger by the second. As far as books go, I've been struggling with the Brothers Karamazov (it's a doozy - but in my downtime as a quick release I pick up a book from one of my French civ classes - "60,000 Frenchmen can't be wrong." I find it funny because it talks about why the French are French. It's obviously not in the novel category, but for someone who has been to France and studied the language, you might enjoy it.

Maxwell (Mad)House said...

I love reading and it always makes me smile that my kids do too! Those pictures are awesome:)

I am finally breaking down and reading the Twilight series (I held off forever because they are so popular, dumb I know). My sister-in-law is reading Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith. I read her first novel, A Rose for the Crown and liked it. They are historical fiction and although I would not say the one I read was the best novel ever, it was obvious that she had done her research on the time and she definitely went into deep detail on the heroin (the book is around 600 pages I think). Anyway, you might enjoy those:)

Mama Bear said...

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett (who is known for writting thrillers but departs and takes a turn at a historical epic). I just started it last night but I am already sucked into it and I'm only 4 chapters in. That's the tell tell sign of a good book for me. 973 pages in total - 900 to go!! A might be missing his wife for a little while as I tend to get sucked into books and forget everything else that is going on around me since I read once the kids are in bed. It's really the only time I can because otherwise, when I sit down, the kids think I become the human equivilent of a jungle gym.

A is making leaps and bounds with learning how to read on her own. She is so big.

For K right now it's the 5 monkeys on the bed. You should hear her say the line "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" Priceless!!